Saturday, December 09, 2006

Phat Photos

As in Wide Angle. A perpetual struggle with most dSLRs, as is razor-thin depth of field.

I recently swapped some iStockPhoto winnings for a much wider lens but - that 1.6x crop factor - still a problem. Can't get around it - laws of physics and all that.

Which means its time to step up in class - either to a 5D (not a fan of the body, to be honest, but Oh! the image quality!) or a 1D (best camera body on the planet, but older sensor now) or the updated 1DmkII ( $$$ ). Yes, I could step all the way up to a digital medium format - but that would be $$$-squared.

Stay tuned - tentative plans for a trip to Korea in January and Shanghai in March - will do "something" before then.

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